How can we help you?

Exercise and Eating Healthy

Exercising and eating well are the keys to overall health and longevity. They can also help you prevent injuries, no matter what activities you enjoy.

At Edge, we can help you edge ahead with targeted exercise and eating strategies and services:

  • Physical therapy prolongs good musculoskeletal health
  • Body composition scans can help you see a better picture of where you are now, so we can work together to develop a plain of where you want to go
  • Exercise and diet management can help you both prevent and heal from injuries
  • Holistic services such as acupuncture focus on your overall health and wellness, promoting circulation and restoration

Maintaining a healthy diet is imperative to fueling your daily activities and exercises. Getting the right amount of calories and nutrients allows you to perform your best, but choosing vegetables over sweets isn’t always that easy. It’s important to know not only what types of food to eat, but also when to eat them.

Getting off to a Good Start

Starting your day off right means fueling it with the right foods. When you’re an early-morning exercise guru, skipping breakfast can leave you feeling lightheaded and lethargic while you’re working out. Breakfast also replenishes your blood sugar, so you’re giving renewed energy to your muscles and brain. Establishing a healthy breakfast pattern reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Eating breakfast is important, but what you ingest is even more so. Too many people rely on simple carbs to fuel their morning routines such as bagels, toast, sugary cereal or doughnuts. It’s best to stick with a breakfast rich in fiber and protein to fend off hunger pains, and to provide the energy you’ll need for extended hours of the day.

A healthy breakfast can include eggs, whole-grain oatmeal, yogurt, fruits, nuts and green smoothies.

Keep it Going Throughout the Day

Maintaining a high energy reserve consistently throughout the day can be difficult if you work a regular 9 to 5 job. That’s why it’s important to pre-prep some on-the-go snacks that can be easily eaten at the office.

Let’s talk about carbs…

Carbs have gotten a bad rap with the rapid growth of low-carb and ketosis diets in today’s society. However, carbs are your body’s main source of energy, so it’s important to choose the right kind for snacking. Focus on eating complex carbs found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans.

Protein that packs a punch…

Protein keeps your body growing, helps to build/maintain muscle and aids in the repair process. It also acts as a source of energy when carbohydrates are in short supply. Adults generally need to ingest 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight. Older adults and hard-core athletes need more. Great options include chicken and turkey, fish, milk and yogurt, red meat, beans and lentils, and eggs.

For the healthiest options, choose lean proteins that are low in saturated/trans fats, and limit the amount of red and processed meats you ingest each week.

Boosting your fruit and veggie intake…

Fruit and vegetables are what your body needs to stay balanced, and to provide your body with a fully-functioning digestive system. Aim to fill half your plate with fruits and veggies and snack on them regularly.

Fueling up for Fitness

When it comes to fueling up pre- or post-workout, maintaining the right balance of carbs and proteins is essential for feeling energized to perform your best. Below are some easy snacks to throw in your workout bag before heading off to exercise.

  • Bananas
  • Berries, Grapes, Oranges
  • Nuts
  • Nut butter

Meal Planning

The dos and don’ts…

  1. Try and portion your meals our every 2-3 hours so it keeps your metabolism high.
  2. Too much of a good thing is still bad, so keep your portion sizes small. You want to aim for a small appetizer plate’s worth of goodness.
  3. Pick one day to cook your foods for the week, so that way you can portion them out into small containers that are easy to grab and go when you’re in a rush.
  4. Change it up! When you get bored of eating the same thing every week, you’re become complacent and divert from the path.
  5. Don’t give up! The goal is to be your best self. Make it worth your time and effort by giving it all you’ve got.

As you settle into an active lifestyle, you’ll probably discover which foods give you the most energy and which could be tweaked to better fit your metabolism. The key is learning to listen to your body and balancing what feels right, with what’s good for you.